Feichi Hydrogen Training Graduation Successfully Concluded

Recently, the closing ceremony of the Sarawak Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Technology Training Program, jointly hosted by Foshan Feichi Motor Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Feichi Technology") and Foshan Polytechnic, was successfully concluded. Attendees included Mr. Holman, Chairman of Sarawak Vocational Development Center; Deputy Professor Liang Shengling, Head of the Sarawak Training Delegation from i-CATS University and Vice President of i-CATS University; Jiang Yong, General Manager of Feichi Technology; Guan Xiaodong, Secretary of the Board of Directors; Lu Yangchun, Marketing Director; Zhou Jiadong, Overseas Sales Director; Guan Xue, Secretary of the Party Committee of Foshan Polytechnic; Ouyang Yongzhong, Vice President of Foshan Polytechnic; Long Zhijun, Dean of the School of Automotive Engineering, and other relevant department heads, as well as 10 trainees from Sarawak Vocational Skills Development Center and i-CATS University.

During the ceremony, Jiang Yong, General Manager of Feichi Technology, delivered a speech. He said, "After more than 10 days of training and learning, the trainees have come with high expectations and returned with abundant harvests. I would like to express my congratulations on their successful completion of the program and the successful conclusion of this training activity. Through this training, the trainees from Sarawak have been able to fully learn from our experience and accumulated knowledge in the development of the hydrogen energy industry, thereby promoting the development of the hydrogen energy industry in Sarawak. This training is of great significance and has been very successful. It is not only a training cooperation between i-CATS University, Sarawak Vocational Development Center, Feichi Technology, and Foshan Polytechnic, but also a bridge for hydrogen energy cooperation between China and Malaysia."

The training program invited experts from various fields of the hydrogen energy industry in Foshan to introduce cutting-edge technical theories and knowledge to the trainees, including the overall status of China's hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen production technology and project development, safety monitoring of hydrogen storage tanks, technical principles of hydrogen fuel cells, overview and safety measures of integrated hydrogen production and refueling stations, thermal management subsystems, hydrogen supply systems for fuel cells, practical training on new energy drive systems, market analysis of fuel cell commercial vehicles, technical overview of complete vehicles, and after-sales service instructions for fuel cell vehicles. Organized by Feichi Technology and Foshan Polytechnic, the trainees were also specially arranged to visit Feichi's Guangzhou Hydrogen Power Research Institute, Hongji Chuangneng, Guohong Hydrogen Energy production workshops, and Feichi Technology, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the design and development process of hydrogen energy automotive components and conducting integrated practical training.

Representatives of trainees from i-CATS University and Sarawak Vocational Skills Development Center expressed their gratitude to Feichi Technology and Foshan Polytechnic for organizing the hydrogen fuel cell bus skills training program. They vowed to apply the knowledge they had gained to practical situations, integrate their personal growth with the development of Sarawak, and contribute to the high-quality development of Sarawak. They also hoped that Sarawak Vocational Skills Development Center, i-CATS University, Feichi Technology, and Foshan Polytechnic would continue to deepen international cooperation and create even better overseas training programs.

Subsequently, the guests presented skill completion certificates to the trainees. The closing ceremony came to a successful conclusion with the trainees singing the song "Friends" with great enthusiasm.

As a leading enterprise in hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles, Feichi Technology has been committed to promoting the development and application of hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles and has achieved remarkable accomplishments in this field. In this training program, Feichi Technology leveraged its leading position as a complete vehicle manufacturer to provide rich professional knowledge and precise technical guidance to the trainees from Sarawak, Malaysia.

Hydrogen energy, as a representative of clean energy, plays a vital role in global energy transformation and green development. Malaysia, as an important country in Southeast Asia, has shown strong momentum in the development of hydrogen energy in recent years. China and Malaysia are good friends and partners, continuously strengthening exchanges, enhancing understanding, building consensus, and seeking common development in various fields. With the continuous enhancement of exchanges between the two countries in the field of hydrogen energy, a series of positive results have been achieved through summarization and innovative models. Since last September, witnessed by the Deputy Premier of Sarawak, Feichi Technology, Foshan Polytechnic, and i-CATS University signed a memorandum of cooperation in Beijing, initiating exploration and cooperation in the field of fuel cell vehicles. This training program aimed to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation between China and Malaysia in the field of hydrogen energy technology, jointly promote the development of the hydrogen energy industry, and inject green momentum into the construction of the "Belt and Road" Initiative.

The successful holding of the training program not only cultivated a group of professionals in the field of hydrogen-powered buses for Malaysia, enabling better services for the development and application of hydrogen energy products as well as the cultivation of technical skills talents, but also opened up a new path for China-Malaysia cooperation in the field of industry-education integration, establishing a technological innovation exchange platform in the field of hydrogen-powered vehicles between China and overseas countries. By accelerating and deepening cooperation in technology, products, standards, and talent cultivation, it promoted the export of China's hydrogen-powered vehicle technology, supported the development of hydrogen-powered vehicles in countries along the "Belt and Road", and contributed to the new development paradigm featuring mutual promotion of domestic and international circulations.

The successful holding of the training program not only cultivated a group of professionals in the field of hydrogen-powered buses for Malaysia, enabling better services for the development and application of hydrogen energy products as well as the cultivation of technical skills talents, but also opened up a new path for China-Malaysia cooperation in the field of industry-education integration, establishing a technological innovation exchange platform in the field of hydrogen-powered vehicles between China and overseas countries. By accelerating and deepening cooperation in technology, products, standards, and talent cultivation, it promoted the export of China's hydrogen-powered vehicle technology, supported the development of hydrogen-powered vehicles in countries along the "Belt and Road", and contributed to the new development paradigm featuring mutual promotion of domestic and international circulations.

Looking ahead, Feichi Technology will continue to uphold the concept of "openness, cooperation, and win-win", leverage its professional advantages in hydrogen energy technology, and actively participate in international exchanges and cooperation in hydrogen energy technology to provide strong support for the development of Malaysia's and even the world's hydrogen energy industry. It will also contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to advancing the global clean energy sector. At the same time, the company looks forward to working with partners from more countries and regions to jointly address global challenges such as climate change, promote the prosperity and development of a green and low-carbon industrial system, explore more application scenarios and market potential for hydrogen energy products, and offer Chinese solutions for sustainable development.